Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Promoting excellence in Agricultural Journalism

INTERNATIONAL, Federation of Agriculture Journalists (IFAJ) globally respected organization dedicated to promoting excellence in agricultural journalism has announced that it will be hosting the second World Congress of Agriculture Journalists next year in Kenya marking a significant milestone for journalists on the African continent and across the globe.

According to the concept note shared by Media for Environment, Science, Health and Agriculture (MESHA), the World forum would be held under the theme: “Unlocking potential in the cradle of mankind.’The Congress to be held between October 14-18 in Nairobi, Kenya will be hosted by MESHA, widely recognised as the most active science journalists’ association in Africa, making it a fitting host for this landmark event.

“The Congress in Nairobi from 14th -18th October 2025, will serve as a pivotal platform to showcase Kenya’s agricultural potential, innovations, and challenges to the world, while also providingAfrican journalists with an unparalleled opportunity to engage with their international counterparts,’’ the concept note reads in part.

The Congress will look at a number of issues including among others, the promotion of media’s role in agricultural development, attraction of investments and strengthening partnerships, food security and nutrition, sustainable farming practices, youth and women in agriculture, value chain development, nutrition sensitive agriculture, agriculture’s role in combating Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs), agriculture and pandemic preparedness, health and agriculture , intersections of agriculture and public

MESHA chief executive Aghan Daniel said IFAJ World Congress of Agricultural Journalists, the target audience includes over 500 journalists and key stakeholders from various sectors. This diverse group of stakeholders ensures that the IFAJ World Congress of Agricultural Journalists will be a comprehensive event, addressing the multifaceted aspects of agriculture, media, and development.

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